[CentOS] Re: Demonizing generic Linux issues as Fedora Core-only issues -- WAS: Hi, Bryan

Wed May 25 15:37:07 UTC 2005
Johnny Hughes <mailing-lists at hughesjr.com>

On Wed, 2005-05-25 at 10:28 -0500, Bryan J. Smith  wrote:
> From: Johnny Hughes <mailing-lists at hughesjr.com>
> > This is not really true. We will probably never have everything that FC
> > has as added features ... but CentOS-4 has several added features and we
> > have been out for only a 3 months (so, not required to wait a year).
> Oh, sorry, I should have clarified.
> What I meant by "wait a year" was the time from the first .0 or .1
> Fedora Core releases that a new version of RHEL/CentOS is based on.
> E.g., FC2 came out in May 2004, FC3 in November 2004.
> RHEL/CentOS 4 didn't follow until 2005.
> > We even have some features (mysql compiled postfix, NX/freeNX,
> > and soon MySQL-Administrator / MySQL-Query Builder) that are not
> > yet part of FC or FC Extras at all.
> Actually, some of this stuff will _never_ be included in FC/RHEL because
> of licensing issues with the fact that MySQL is GPL.  This is well
> documented in a lot of places.  Red Hat is the only distributor (although
> I haven't checked Debian) fully honoring the terms MySQL AB sets on
> its GPL releases of MySQL 4, which include not building and redistributing
> certain items.

We would not build and distribute either of these things if they were
not released via the GPL.  The RPMS/SRPMS that we are distributing are
indeed GPL.  We firmly agree with RedHat on this issue (that only GPL
things should be distributed).

> It's one of those things that Red Hat also gets chastized on, and one
> of the reasons I don't use DAG (or Livna.ORG) at businesses.  Anything
> that has GPL licensing/mixing issues, "only for non-profit use" or otherwise
> is "questionable" use of patents is the reason why I stick with "pure"
> Fedora Core+Extras or Debian.

CentOS will also not include in our repos anything that is not allowed
to be re-distributed due to patents or US DMCA.

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