[CentOS] Re: Demonizing generic Linux issues as Fedora Core-only issues -- WAS: Hi, Bryan

Sat May 28 19:56:53 UTC 2005
Lamar Owen <lowen at pari.edu>

On Saturday 28 May 2005 14:41, Collins Richey wrote:
> On 5/28/05, Lamar Owen <lowen at pari.edu> wrote:
> > Sure.  LVM.

> I'm curious about this. At work we haven't finished our evaluation of
> RHEL3/RHEL4 (CentOS is out of the question, since SLA is king here).
> Most of our servers and desktops are RH9 legacy, and we use LVM on all
> of them. It's my understanding that RHEL4(CentOS4) only offers LVM2,
> and it doesn't appear that you can extend and ext3 filesystem using
> LVM2 tools. If that is indeed true, why woud LVM be "measurably
> better?

While I am no LVM expert, it seems that ext2online does what you want.  My 
CentOS4 box here has ext2online included; I have not had a chance to try it 
out, so I can't comment on how well it works.

However, what I have read is that the LVM2 metadata format is more robust and 
removes many of the limitations of LVM1.  In trying to check on this, I 
looked for specific information on how this was the case, but have not been 
able to at this point.

The ext2/3 filesystem wasn't designed for resizing online, so it's quite nice 
one can do it at all; but it appears the LVM2 approach is to rely on the 
e2fsprogs to do the work, so, taking you question literally, no, there is no 
LVM2 tool to resize; you would do a two-step, resizing the logical volume 
then resizing the filesystem with e2fsprogs. But, having never had 
opportunity to do this, I have no direct experience with it.
Lamar Owen
Director of Information Technology
Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute
1 PARI Drive
Rosman, NC  28772