[CentOS] CentOS and SL, together?

Sun May 29 00:50:35 UTC 2005
Johnny Hughes <mailing-lists at hughesjr.com>

> On Sat, 2005-05-28 at 20:37 -0400, Bryan J. Smith  wrote:
> >From: Johnny Hughes <mailing-lists at hughesjr.com>

> BTW, I haven't looked yet, is Netscape Directory Server available for
> CentOS?  You can get it from the RHN (as well as the "technology
> preview"), just wondering if it's available for CentOS from another source.

No, Not yet.  They are changing / have changed the name to Red Hat
Directory Services ... and when it is released for RHEL-4 it will be
built for CentOS-4 as well.

> > OpenAFS:  I'll have to look at the license that it is released under ...
> > that might be able to be in Extras ... someone want to maintain it :)
> IBM's IPL, yet another GPL-incompatible license along with IBM's CPL.
> People claim I have an "agenda" against IBM.  No, but I _do_ have an
> "agenda" to get people to realize that they should hold IBM up against
> the same standard (and "agenda") they have against Sun.
> http://www.gnu.org/licenses/license-list.html#GPLIncompatibleLicenses

Nope ... I can't build that with GNU gcc and against GNU glibc and
release it ... sorry, no OpenAFS :(

> Now the last time I checked, Red Hat did include the OpenAFS client
> in the kernel -- at least GPL portions (the history of AFS is a little
> interest).  The OpenAFS server is user-space, so there is not a licensing
> issue there.
> I typically just download and build the full IPL licensed client/server from
> OpenAFS, despite the licensing issues.  If it's for private use, you can
> do this per the GPL -- you just can't redistribute anything that isn't
> GPL compatible linked against GPL (which is what I make my clients
> aware of).
> BTW.  If people think "ignorance" is a "harsh word," understand when you
> are "ignorant" as a consulting engineer with a Professional Engineering
> license, the term becomes "Professsional Negligence" with the same,
> _liability_ as an MD.  ;->
> So I tend to avoid "ignorance" and care about little details.  ;->
> > Correct ... Pine is non-free license, won't be built for CentOS-4 :)
> But remember, it's Red Hat's fault.  ;->

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