On Saturday 28 May 2005 19:38, Bryan J. Smith <b.j.smith at ieee.org> wrote: > From: Lamar Owen <lowen at pari.edu> > > Referencing SL3 and CentOS 3 (as I haven't run SL4 as yet) there were > > some scientific applications and some Java stuff, eclipse for one, > You do understand the redistribution issues with Java, correct? > It's a Sun problem (a typical thorn for Red Hat in general), not a Red Hat > one. I was asked what the differences between CentOS and SL were. I simply enumerated some of the differences. The Fermi internal Linux had permission from Sun to redistribute JRE for a particular version, apparently, but the latest does not include a JRE. As to Pine, the license does not preclude distribution; Red Hat just didn't like the way modifications couldn't be done, rendering it unsupportable. A 'SLplus' repo addition to CentOS (hosted by Fermi or whoever) would probably handle the things that are different (like pcp and the others), and that could handle things. However, with the reaction this got I wonder if Connie and the rest would want to try working in that direction. The OpenAFS kernel portion could be a problem, but could be handled again by a 'SLPlus' repository. Overreaction is not a good thing, and the upthread post was an overreaction; you're not telling me anything I don't know, Bryan. I was just enumerating the differences; nothing more. I do not use SL at this point; but just pointing out the duplication of effort that is going on. -- Lamar Owen Director of Information Technology Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute 1 PARI Drive Rosman, NC 28772 (828)862-5554 www.pari.edu