[CentOS] Install Guide for PostFix (with DoveCot, SquirrelMail, MailScanner, ClamAV) on CentOS-4

Mon May 30 11:27:24 UTC 2005
Johnny Hughes <mailing-lists at hughesjr.com>

On Mon, 2005-05-30 at 11:42 +0200, Maciej Żenczykowski wrote:
> Hello,
> I'd like to thank you very much for this guide (I followed it to install 
> my own system two or three weeks back and am still fooling with it).
> However there's a few pointers :)
> a) PostFix can be run with only one instance in 'hold all' mode
>     (found references to this on some mailscanner installation site
>     by accident).
>     although I haven't yet figured out how to do this without
>     having to remove postfix-autostart from the
>     /etc/init.d/MailScanner script
>     (although that's trivial and makes the startup script very normal)

The new guide for CentOS-4 uses that method ... which is much easier.
Even with the postfix-autostart, it only starts one version of postfix
(although it says incoming and outgoing).

I am changing the original CentOS-3 guide to do this too ... and working
out a way to convert the old way to the new way :)

> b) enabling smtps is useful

As is POP3s and IMAPs ... one of these days, after the basic cyrus-imapd
guide is done, I need to do a guide on generating the required
certificates and enabling smtps, pop3s, imaps.

> c) check_relay_domains is outdated
>     (should be reject_unauth_destination)

I am trying this right now, thanks.  I'll update both the CentOS-3 and
CentOS-4 guides to do it this way.

>     and indeed more stuff could be placed
>     in smtpd_recipient_restrictions

I tend to use the least amount of things (while still controlling to not
spam) ... but I could include a discussion on what is available.  What
other items do you (or others) find useful for
smtpd_recipient_restrictions in postfix.

> d) I've added a whitelist, spf log-only (I'm pretty much
>     convinced spf is stupid, but loggin it is informative)
>     and greylisting to mine, these could also probably be mentioned
>     in the quide?
> e) Some of the perl stuff which is needed (and thus taken
>     from perl-CPAN) is also available on base/update/dag/dries
>     in RPM form.  These are obviously preferred, so
>     it would be nice if as many as possible perl packets
>     which will later be needed could be installed beforehand
>     (still working on this part and minimizing packages
>     take from perl-CPAN, is there an auto perl-CPAN to rpm tool?)

The thing that I currently use CPAN for is the latest clamavmodule ...
(and it currently has 2 dependancies).

I am going to look at using cpanflute2 (thanks to Ivo Panacek for
recommending it) to build those 3 perl modules.

> I'm sure there's more...
> Would more info on any of the above interest you (or for that 
> matter anyone else)?

Yes, I want the guides to be as good as they can be.  Thank you very

I am seriously considering making an autobuilder for MailScanner (and
also clamavmodule (and it's 2 dependant perl modules) and putting them
in CentOS Plus for x86_64 and i386.

Johnny Hughes
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