[CentOS] Newbie Query about Centos: where it is going...

Mon May 30 12:39:02 UTC 2005
Chris Mauritz <chrism at imntv.com>

Simon Perreault wrote:

>On Monday 30 May 2005 07:34, Johnny Hughes wrote:
>>I can tell you that the base CentOS will always be RHEL SOURCES (plus
>>yum for doing updates).  That is for for any CentOS version (present or
>>in the future).
>Sure, of course, you and others are full of good intentions. But unless I pay 
>you to sign a contract with me so that I can hold you accountable, I have no 
>way to sue you if you (or your evil successors :) ) decide to do otherwise.
>That's not a problem with me, but it seemed like it could be for the OP.

As others have mentioned, if you want the ability to sue someone for not 
supporting you, there's always RedHat.  They'll be happy to take your 
support money in exchange for being "accountable."  If you're 
comfortable with supporting yourself or relying on community support or 
if you just can't afford paid support, you can get exactly the same 
product in the form of CentOS.
