[CentOS] Yum / Up2date issues and mirror.centos.org

Tue Nov 29 20:58:20 UTC 2005
Bryan J. Smith <thebs413 at earthlink.net>

William Warren wrote:
> h'm not.  I don't want to HAVE to reconfigure my clients..

How do you install your systems?
How do you make system changes?
How do you do any changes?

This is what I don't understand at all.
This has nothing to do with YUM.

> nor do i want to HAVE to add a proxy line into my
> yum.conf files.

But what do you do for system installation/customization?
Do you use a Kickstart disk?
Or do you manually install the system and manually configure?
How do you make other changes to a system?

Again, this is what I don't understand at all.
And it has nothing to do with YUM.

> I actually do agree with les it should just work w/o
> having to screw around with config files.

Why not just do it when you install the system?
I mean, I assume you're doing it then, correct?
Or do your computers read your brain when you install?

> Please don't accuse me of picking and choosing Bryan.

My point was you where clearly making an _inapplicable_
argument just because it fits.

There are countless configuration details that you do -- even
if just once (like adding a proxy line to yum.conf).  What
makes this so different from any other install-time
configuration detail?

> It is not what i did at all.  I chose to add the ftp lines
> to simply get things working again.

Then why couldn't you put in the proxy line instead?
You only have to to do it once.

> it is not something that should have to be done at all.

I'm still failing the point here.  Transparent proxies do not
work for a lot of things.

> If i had more than 3-5 machine here i would fire up another
> one as a dedicated mirror.

And that's great.  But even then, you'd have to change the
repository configuration.  So what's the issue?

Bryan J. Smith                | Sent from Yahoo Mail
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