[CentOS] grub booting from software raid problem

Wed Nov 2 14:28:33 UTC 2005
Aleksandar Milivojevic <alex at milivojevic.org>

Quoting Jake Grimmett <jake.grimmett at nimr.mrc.ac.uk>:

> Unfortunately, when the server completes the install and reboots I am 
> stuck at
> a GRUB prompt.

Most likely, the grub.conf file ended outside of BIOS addressable disk 
space. Your root partition which contains /boot directory is just shy 
of 50GB, most
today's BIOSes can address only about first 8 gigs of disk or so.  You were
lucky that the kernel and initrd image ended up somewhere near the 
beggining of
the partition (inside BIOS addressable 8GB of disk) so you were able to boot
manually.  However, on next kernel update, you might not be that lucky.  The
solution is to create small partition for /boot at the very beggining 
of disk. 100MB is more than enough for the /boot.

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