Hi, On Fri, Nov 04, 2005 at 07:26:33AM -0800, Robert wrote: > > > one thing i was specifically getting at in terms of machine processing speed > was this..... > > if machines for your _local_ use _were_ to be donated to the cause that > would help decrease your compilation and other machine processing time > factors.... umm what would you need compared to what you have now in and for > the various architectures? As i said before, the machine speeds ATM isn't much of issue. Issues are sadly with the bandwith for distributing. I don't even have to take bets on this when i say i am sure that Johnny and Lancelan has been spending more time on keeping the distribution up past three weeks that what it did take time to cruch up the 3.6/4.2 releases. Making some new script that are able of monitoring the status of external mirrors etc. to get some kind of picture where it goes wrong. > > i know there are folks out there that should and can afford to donate bigger > better processors, i/o backplanes, and storage devices to the cause I'd be willing to receive FibreChannel connected box which would eat SATA-disks any day ,-) Actually most of 'would be neat to have availbale to be able to solve better problems hardware' would for me be something else than CPU. > > to me every little bit helps to an extent and so why not take advantage of > it if possible? > Network bandwith? :P I do believe that we were pretty good covered on torren-side last time. I do have my own little feeder and after the initial rush, i didn't actually feed anymore on full 10Mbit/s, as there were so many fast feeds covering up the new downloads, so big thaks for whom ever those are. -- Pasi Pirhonen - upi at iki.fi - http://iki.fi/upi/