[CentOS] Putting nat routing into place permanently? -- /etc/rc.d/rc.local v. /etc/init.d/custom scripts

Mon Nov 7 10:33:07 UTC 2005
Peter Farrow <peter at farrows.org>

I'm Not getting snippy,

Brian denied quite definately that no such comment was posted, I merely 
point out to him that such a comment was made, as he seemed not to have 
noticed it while compiling a "war and peace" style reply of epic 
proportions....  ;-)


Preston Crawford wrote:

>>Check the archives,
>>a post was mde saying that it was explicitly not the right way to do it
>>in rc.local...
>>Hence my comment
>I'm hoping this doesn't get nit-picky and petty. I asked for the canonical
>way to do it. Interpret this as you wish. I see that to mean, "how would a
>Red Hat engineer put that into place". I got my answer, I believe. This
>debate about alternatives is great, but there's no need for anyone to get
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