[CentOS] VirtualHost squirrelmail and Apache

Wed Nov 9 23:39:04 UTC 2005
Julio Soto <jujo at jujo.info>


I've been configuring the virtualhosts, and I've come out to a "stop
point". I mean, I feel like the http request is being stop at the DNS
server without being forwarded to the appropiate service.

In this case I'm working only with one machine and this
machine is hosting DNS, mailserver and web server. 

The classic example of virtual host would be assigning
http://webmail.dominio.com to /usr/share/squirrelmail being dominio.com
my domain.

Let's see the results of the http petitions 
        http://www.dominio.com OK
        http://dominio.com OK
        http://webmail.dominio.com DNS error
        http://www.dominio.com/webmail OK
        http://mail.dominio.com Shows the page but squirrelmail is not
        working at all

mail.dominio.com and smtp.dominio.com are listed in the bind as MX.
Looging into squirrelmail by http://mail.dominio.com let's you introduce
user and password, but when it is supposed to show your messages gives
the following error:

ERROR : Could not complete request.


Reason Given: Internal error occured. Refer to server log for more
information. [2005-11-09 16:48:40]

In the log I only see :

        [Wed Nov 09 16:47:54 2005] [error] [here.the.proxy.ip] File does
        not exist: /usr/share/squirrelmail/favicon.ico

The error to not see the messages should be something more beside the
I give more data:

The relevant part of /etc/httpd/conf.d/vhosts.conf is:

        # Definición del Sitio de Red principal
        ServerAdmin webmaster at dominio.com
        DocumentRoot /var/www/html/
        ServerName www.dominio.com
        ServerAdmin webmaster at dominio.com
        DocumentRoot /usr/share/squirrelmail/
        ServerName webmail.dominio.com
        ErrorLog logs/webmail.dominio.com-error_log
        CustomLog logs/webmail.dominio.com-access_log combined
        ServerAdmin webmaster at dominio.com
        DocumentRoot /usr/share/squirrelmail/
        ServerName mail.dominio.com
        ErrorLog logs/mail.dominio.com-error_log
        CustomLog logs/mail.dominio.com-access_log combined

I also tried this configuration, with identical results

# Definición del Sitio de Red principal
        NameVirtualHost *:80
	NameVirtualHost *:443
        <VirtualHost *:80> 
        ServerAdmin webmaster at dominio.com
        DocumentRoot /var/www/html/
        ServerName www.dominio.com
        <VirtualHost *:80>
        ServerAdmin webmaster at dominio.com
        DocumentRoot /usr/share/squirrelmail/
        ServerName webmail.dominio.com
        ErrorLog logs/webmail.dominio.com-error_log
        CustomLog logs/webmail.dominio.com-access_log combined
        <VirtualHost *:80>
        ServerAdmin webmaster at dominio.com
        DocumentRoot /usr/share/squirrelmail/
        ServerName mail.dominio.com
        ErrorLog logs/mail.dominio.com-error_log
        CustomLog logs/mail.dominio.com-access_log combined

The apache configuration file is a fresh new one that was comming with

Any idea?

As far as I can see http://mail.domain.com is working because
mail.domain.com is listed as MX in the bind zone file, but as far as I
can imagine, I shouldn't list in bind every virtualhost I'm configuring
in apache.

May I provide any other information to have this solved?


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