[CentOS] php versions

Fri Nov 11 13:09:10 UTC 2005
Alexander Dalloz <ad+lists at uni-x.org>

Am Fr, den 11.11.2005 schrieb Mark Quitoriano um 13:30:

> Got a question with centos/rhel php versions. because in centos 3
> they're still using 4.3.2 and centos 4 which uses 4.3.9. how about the
> bugfixes done in 4.4 and 4.4.1? centos/rhel updates regularly like
> centos 3 which already updated for 6 times but still uses 4.3.2? is
> that mean we still suffer the bugs of the original 4.3.2?

> Mark Quitoriano, CCNA

That topic has been asked many time on this list, and was answered too.
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Alexander Dalloz | Enger, Germany | GPG http://pgp.mit.edu 0xB366A773
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