Preston Crawford <me at> wrote: > People skills are part of any job usually. E-mail is not a form of people skills. In fact, if you handle people in e-mail, instead of just walking over to their office, or picking up the phone, then you're not giving them a sense of attention, not involved voice, tone, body language, etc... I avoid e-mail like the black plague at work. It's so much easier to walk over or call them if they are afar. Leave voice mails. Use only e-mail/text to send them electronic info or notices, _not_ for conversation. I couldn't be a trainer, consultant, architect, etc... if my people skills were as bad in person as they are in e-mail. If I need to put something in writing, I'm going to write formal in a typeset or DTP, not the jibberish I normally put out on lists like this in text. -- Bryan J. Smith | Sent from Yahoo Mail mailto:b.j.smith at | (please excuse any | missing headers)