[CentOS] RHEL3 --> CentOS3 HP proliant 380

Wed Nov 23 10:51:47 UTC 2005
Johnny Hughes <mailing-lists at hughesjr.com>

On Wed, 2005-11-23 at 04:42 -0600, Johnny Hughes wrote:
> On Wed, 2005-11-23 at 10:05 +0100, Peter van Eck wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I've got a HP 380 G2 which is running RHEL AS 3 Taroon update 1.
> > 
> > The current smp kernel 2.4.21-9smp is booting with a HPinitrd image.
> > Mostlikely generated with the HP proliant Service Pack  for RHEL 3.
> > 
> > Now if I migrate this system to CentOS 3 and a new kernel will be
> > installed ,will that work ? Does the new centOS kernel use the same
> > config as the current RHEL kernel ?
> > 
> > Anyone done this before ?
> > 
> > I don't have access to the console so can't take too much risk here..
> > 
> > thanks,
> > 
> > Peter
> > 
> > 
> When CentOS-3.1 came out, we did our kernels differently (we had a c0 in
> the name then).  Also, the kernel we used was a bug fixed kernel
> kernel-2.4.21-9.0.1.EL.c0.i686.rpm .  If you don't want to upgrade your
> kernel, you can add:
> exclude=kernel*
> in your /etc/yum.conf file later on (if you choose to use CentOS)
> Are you doing any upgrades to that system (you should be if it is
> touching the internet :)  If you are using up2date to update your
> system, using CentOS is easy.  If you are not, it is going to be harder.
> (BTW, if you are not updating the system at all, you can just run what
> you currently have).
> If you are not upgrading it at RH, but you want to have CentOS (and stay
> at the update 1 level) you can get what we initially released for by 3.1
> buy going here:
> http://vault.centos.org/3.1-final/os/i386/
> In the RedHat/RPMS directory there 3 files you would need
> yum-2.0.5-1.centos.2.noarch.rpm , centos-release-3.1-1.i386.rpm , and
> centos-yumcache-3.1-0.20040318.3.noarch.rpm 
> You would need to download those and install them via RPM.
> You would need to then edit the file /etc/yum.conf
> add the line:
> exclude=kernel*
> And then remark out everything except [base] and [addons] (including
> updates if you don't want updated from the EL3 update 1 level).
> Also change the paths to:
> [base]
> baseurl=http://vault.centos.org/3.1-final/os/$basearch/
> [addons]
> baseurl=http://vault.centos.org/3.1-final/addons/$basearch/
> With kernel excluded and those items set, you should get the files
> updated that CentOS has had to change for artwork reasons, etc. ... but
> still be at the 3.1 (ie EL3 update 1) level of packages.
> If you have been doing updates from up2date, you need to do some things
> differently, so let us know.
I forgot to add ...

import the CentOS-3 key ... (all one line):

rpm --import http://vault.centos.org/3.1-final/os/i386/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-3

and then run yum to upgrade:

yum upgrade
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