[CentOS] 4.1 being dropped from mirrors


bruce.stanley at prodigy.net
Wed Oct 19 18:30:21 UTC 2005

--- Jim Perrin <jperrin at gmail.com> wrote:

> > Humm.. Even Red Hat is supporting RHEL releases longer than this.
> > We use  RHEL  AS Release with full support.
> Not correct. RHEL is on RHEL 4 update 2.  If you run up2date -fu, you
> will get the full updates. Follow that with a cat /etc/redhat-release
> and it will confirm thusly (note we use ES, not AS, but same applies):
> [jperrin at xxxx ~]$ cat /etc/redhat-release
> Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES release 4 (Nahant Update 2)
> [jperrin at xxxx ~]$
> it's the major version number that has the support, not the minor.
> >
> > Does this mean if Red Hat comes out with more updates for RHEL 4.1
> > you will not apply them to Centos 4.1 any more?
> All updates are being applied to the 4.2 tree now, just as upstream is
> applying them to AS4 update 2.
> --
> Jim Perrin
> System Administrator - UIT
> Ft Gordon & US Army Signal Center
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Hi Jim!

I not real concerned with how the numbering of releases are done.

This is what I am concerned with:
   1). Don't see any need at this point to update from 4.1 to 4.2
   2)... down the road... say 4.3 comes out and there are updates
       to a few packages I might need/want.
   3). Can 4.1 be updated with these packages correctly or
       will there be a problem with rpm dependency/compatibility issues?

If issues arise, then it would seem to me you would have to do the
MS service pack type of routine everytime a new version comes out.

I do not like to upgrad entire systems unless it is absolutely 

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