[CentOS] Problem SSH

Johnny Hughes

mailing-lists at hughesjr.com
Wed Oct 26 12:14:34 UTC 2005

On Wed, 2005-10-26 at 12:59 +0100, minichaz wrote:
> On Tue Oct 25 17:54 , Mauricio Merlin <mauricio at cimed.ind.br> sent:
> >My Centos 4.1 only accept connections from localhost, my file conf is 
> >default.
> >error: ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host
> >
> >
> >thanks
> >_______________________________________________
> >CentOS mailing list
> >CentOS at centos.org
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> This isn't an SSH problem and it's not a firewall problem either as that would
> produce a "connection refused" message or similar. You will need to allow
> incoming SSH connections on the machine to which you are connecting but you don't
> appear to have got to that stage yet.
> "No route to host" would indicate that there's a basic network connectivity
> problem between the two machines in question. Check you can ping the machines
> from each other, I suspect you can't.
> Most likely you've got a typo in a netmask or something similar.
> Charlie

The no route to host can also happen if IPTABLES is not configured to
allow port 22 in.

here is the error when I try to connect from an unauthorized (via
iptables) ip to my server:

ssh: connect to host centosg.centos.org port 22: No route to host

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