List, It looks like I may have to drop back to a 32-bit version of the OS due to some non-resolvable library issues for the software I'm attempting to compile, and want to ask, how far back can I go with CentOS where I'd not lose too much functionality of the 4.1 version. Essentially what I need is the equivalent of RHES 3. The other thing I'd thought about would be to install the needed gnu library, but in a non-standard place, like /home/sam or some other user directory. Since the software only needs this at runtime and not during linking, I don't see what It would bother. Given that idea, how would I use RPM to install that library ? I read the man page, but did not seen much option for installing to a non-std location, and not have the system actually "recognize" it as being there. suggestions? -- Snowman