[CentOS] Can't install CentOS4

Mon Oct 17 19:20:43 UTC 2005
John Hinton <webmaster at ew3d.com>

Ajay Sharma wrote:

> Karanbir Singh wrote:
>> Ajay Sharma wrote:
>>> My email server is running CentOS 3 and I can't upgrade it to CentOS 
>>> 4 using the CD's.  At first I thought it was the old Megaraid card 
>>> (that's no longer supported), so I replaced that with
>>>  a new card. I've tried ISO's from CentOS 4, 4.1 and now 4.2 which 
>>> I've tested and booted in other machines.  Just not this one.
If, you are running an older machine.... if it has no usb... try at the 
install command prompt

linux nousb nousbstorage apm=off noapic

apm is advanced power management.. many early versions were buggy (and 
I'm not sure today's are really much better)
if you have usb.. leave the two usb statements out

Seems that agpart is causing some problems.. maybe there is a way to 
turn that off during an install but I don't offhand know the command.

dcc also can be troublesome. The RHEL installation manual, available 
from Redhat's website in tar, pdf or html has at least most of these 
flags in one of the appendixs or somewhere near the end of it.

Good luck!

John Hinton