[CentOS] Upgrade=Broken x86_64

Tue Oct 18 20:45:47 UTC 2005
Sam Drinkard <sam at wa4phy.net>

Tony Schreiner wrote:

>  I'm guessing you are talking about the NCAR graphics system. How  was 
> this software installed? It's not any kind of CentOS package that  I 
> am aware of (could be wrong though).
> I think you need to examine the error returns of your function calls  
> more closely. In GKS,  a workstation is a general term for a graphics  
> device, and in your case, it looks like the metafile is the graphics  
> device. You need to find out why it is unable to open the file.
> Tony
> _______________________________________________
> You are correct Tony, it's the ncar graphics.  The sofware was built 
> and installed by me, in the normal (recommended) location, 
> /usr/local/ncarg and the companion language, ncl in /usr/local/ncl.  
> All things worked before the upgrade, so apparently some permissions 
> got changed somewhere along the way.  In addition to the workstation 
> not opening, there is an error allocating colors, and setting 
> foreground with undefined results.  It appears to be X related, but 
> not positive.  There is also an error reported by libhlu.a (Error.o) 
> which is the high level utilities from NCL.  Again, it appears on the 
> outset to be permissions since root will open the files normally and 
> execute the script.  I just don't see anywhere right off that has had 
> permissions changed from what they were, at least not in any of the 
> /usr/local/* directories.
