[CentOS] ppc

Wed Oct 19 12:36:26 UTC 2005
Jerry57 (GMail) <jerry57 at gmail.com>

Hello Matt,

  I understand the original posters frustration.  I just went looking
  for the PPC ISO images and they are nowhere to be found.  Yes the
  original URL posted was old and is not out of date, but there are NO
  PPC ISO images currently to be found on the dozen or so mirrors that
  I checked.  I did check the 4, 4.0, 4.1 and 4.2 links on over a
  dozen mirrors.

  The beta ISOs seem to have been removed, but never replaced with
  release/production ones.  Anyone know if/when there will be PPC ISOs


Tuesday, October 18, 2005, 10:31:54 PM, you wrote:

> On 18/10/05, Peter Czanik <pczanik at fang.fa.gau.hu> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I would like to try CentOS on a PPC machine (a Pegasos
>> http://www.pegasosppc.com ).
>> http://www.centos.org/modules/news/article.php?storyid=65 says, that a
>> boot iso file can be downloaded, but I get a 404 error for
>> http://beta.centos.org/centos/4.0beta/isos/ppc/
>> Could you please point me to the right URL? Thanks, bye,
>> Peter

> The article you point to is quite old.  The current CentOS release is 4.2.
> You can get a list of sites to download it from here:
> http://www.centos.org/modules/tinycontent/index.php?id=13

> Regards,

> Matt.
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