Morten wrote: > I'd prefer one where I don't have to build my own packages (no Courier, > unless packages exist). I just installed the latest courier-imapd today and it's really easy to build the packages (this is all from memory, so there may be slight typos): 1) log in as root and install rpm-devel (if it's not already installed) 2) 'su - user' [su to a "normal" user] 3) echo "%_topdir /home/user/rpm" > .rpmmacros [replace 'user' with your username] 4) mkdir -p rpm/BUILD rpm/RPMS/i386 rpm/SOURCES rpm/SPECS rpm/SRPMS 5) download courier-imapd-XXX.bz2 and courier-authlib-XXX.bz2 6) rpmbuild -ta courier-authlib-XXX.bz2 [ it will probably ask for requirements like postgresql and mysql, just 'yum install' them for the build, you can remove them later] 7) as root, rpm -Uvh ~user/rpm/RPMS/i386/courier-authlib-XXX.rpm [and the devel package too] 8) back as the user, build imap with: rpmbuild -ta courier-imapd-XXX.bz2 (you may need other packages to build this too, like fam-devel, just install them to make it happy, and remove them later) 9) as root, rpm -Uvh ~user/rpm/RPMS/i386/courier-imapd-XXX.rpm 10) start it up: /etc/init.d/courier-authlib start /etc/init.d/courier-imapd start If your users are all normal system users and you don't need any fancy mysql/ldap lookups, you should be all set. Going this route makes it really easy to keep updated and you don't have to wait for package maintainers. --Ajay