[CentOS] More than 1 GCC version?

Mon Oct 24 19:05:06 UTC 2005
Brian T. Brunner <brian.t.brunner at gai-tronics.com>

Thanks for the history lessons, Bryan.

This suggests to me a GCC flag 
which would accept syntax and grammar from code valid to 
the 2.9x compiler (warn rather than barf).  This isn't the 
compat compiler/lib suite (which is a separate option), but
is a grace-rather-than-pedantics approach to compiler

Brian Brunner
brian.t.brunner at gai-tronics.com

>>> thebs413 at earthlink.net 10/24/05 12:56PM >>>

> This compiler broken-ness drives a decision to NOT upgrade
> to the current (dysfunctional) compiler nor the OS it rode
> in on.

Again, blame the GCC 2 developers.

*sigh* Blame helps Nowhere...

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