[CentOS] My CentOs 4.1 desktop starts to freez ( non-responsive) with 100% cpu usage

Thu Sep 1 00:52:13 UTC 2005
mohamed yusuf <myusuf32 at yahoo.ca>

Thanks Andreas,

I think you are right. The culprit appears to be
firefox browser which took about 180 meg of ram. I
don't know why ? 
Anyway, I swiched to opera browser and it's ok now


--- Andreas Rogge <arogge at gmx.de> wrote:

> Hello Mohamed,
> I can only guess what is happening exactly, but i
> suspect some process
> is running wild. I have encountered such a problem
> with Firefox and the
> Flash- or Java-plugin.
> It will help to know the process which uses up all
> CPU. Try using top.
> It shows much more information than the Gnome System
> Monitor and you'll
> find the process quite soon.
> Regards,
> Andreas
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