[CentOS] NetPBM

Thu Sep 8 17:06:08 UTC 2005
William J.A. Brillinger <billy at pdcweb.net>


I am setting up a CentOS+BlueQuartz server, replacing my Cobalt machine.

On my Cobalt I had installed a set of pre-made binary's for netpbm.

Using "yum search", I found and installed "netpbm.i386" but I am at a loss 
as to how to use the resulting libraries from my php scripts etc.?

Do I need to install the netpbm-progs.i386 and netpbm-devel.i386 also??

- Bill
   (Linux dumb but learning!)

William J.A. Brillinger
Precision Design Co.

E-Mail:   mailto:billy at pdcweb.net
Web site: http://www.pdcweb.net