[CentOS] Mailinglist moderation

Sat Sep 10 10:49:11 UTC 2005
Dominik Składanowski <dominik.skladanowski at ch.pw.edu.pl>

> I think the time (150 messages and counting) has come to ask someone of 
> the CentOS team to start moderating this list. I don't mind people 
> discussing whatever topic they like, but not at the expense of the 
> mailinglist and its members.
> I don't think the topic really doesn't matter in these discussions, and if 
> done in private they would stand for long anyway.
> I would propose someone who has authority of moderating people to send out 
> a warning when a thread has to end (eg. when people start repeating 
> themselves or insults become the main theme) and if necessary temporarily 
> moderate these people/the thread.
> I think the mere existence of such a moderator could be sufficient to end 
> lasting threads like the previous.

In my opinion the best way would be make few more detailed lists. Ex.:
security at centos.org hardware at centos.org etc.

D o m i n i k   S k ł a d a n o w s k i