[CentOS] x86_64 Question (Solved)

Mon Sep 12 19:35:34 UTC 2005
Brian T. Brunner <brian.t.brunner at gai-tronics.com>

Hmmm... Looking at drivers/human.c

starting at line 666

    if (human.state_test(ALIVE)) then
        if (eval_actions(DUMB))

Get used to it.

Brian Brunner
brian.t.brunner at gai-tronics.com

>>> ethericalzen at gmail.com 09/12/05 03:06PM >>>
Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams wrote:
> On Mon, 2005-09-12 at 12:05 -0500, Alex White wrote:
>>Is there some linkage anyone can pass to me that tells me (not 
>>necessarily step by step) what options to pass to rpmbuild if I want 
>>to build a 32-bit app on the athlon64?
> setarch i386 rpmbuild ...

Well then, that was stupid of me. Told you it my dumb question of 
the year. I will refrain from stupidity for the rest of the year 
thank you very much.


Alex White
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