[CentOS] MythTV on Centos 4

Mon Sep 26 18:51:26 UTC 2005
Kirk Bocek <t004 at kbocek.com>

Scot L. Harris wrote:
> I would think the easiest way to do this with Centos would be to use the
> ATRPMS as a base and work from there.  The other alternative is to build
> it from source which should not be to bad.  Just use the various how
> to's and guides put out for FC3 as a starting point.

That's my plan. :)

> Jarod's guide is pretty good.  Just remember to expand and read all the
> sections.  http://wilsonet.com/mythtv/

Yep, I've had him bookmarked for awhile.

> Been using the TV out on the PVR-350.  Have been using this primarily
> for recording TV and playing it back.  The output is spectacular.  I can
> not tell the difference between the original broadcast show and the
> mythtv recording. (except that is skips over most commercials
> automatically of course. )

My PVR-350 is coming. Are you able to run the Myth frontend on the PVR-350? I see 
various notes about putting DVD output and such on the 350 but what about the cosole 

  > If/when you get to the point of setting up a slave backend let me know,
> there were a couple of gotcha's that I had to work through to get that
> working as expected.  

When MythTV talks about the 'back end' is that simply the MySQL database or is there 
some other software involved?

> Depending on the type of inputs you will be recording you will want to
> have at least two capture cards if not three or four.  This makes
> conflicts less likely to occur.  

Why two? I was planning on just one PVR-350 to begin with and maybe adding a second 
later. Do you know anything about the version with two tuners? I think it's the 550.
