[CentOS] installing on 915GAVL motherboard kernel bombs and/or X bombs

Sat Sep 3 11:08:35 UTC 2005
Johnny Hughes <mailing-lists at hughesjr.com>

On Fri, 2005-09-02 at 16:30 -0500, Jerry Geis wrote:
> I got a new box today. 915GAVL motherboard. Celeron 2.4G
> 1 GIG mem 80GIG SATA drive. 
> When I boot centos I have had various stages of success.
> Once I got as far as partitioning the disk manually and X blew
> and the machine rebooted.
> Couple times I have had kernel crashes at different stages of install.
> I have not has trouble installing before and was wondering if there
>  are suggestions.
> I did try installing without X "linux text pci=noapci" and that
> stopped 
> also.
> All anaconda says is "install exited abnormally".
> I went ot the hardware monitor portion and seems stable CPU temp
> at around 48-50C.
> Any ideas?

Make sure that your memory is good ... Re-seat all your memory in the
slots then use the "memtest86" command (after you boot from the CD, at
the isolinux prompt) to test your memory.

Make sure you have the latest BIOS update from the motherboard


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