[CentOS] Changing permissions on files that only exist during USB operation

Mon Sep 5 11:54:25 UTC 2005
Dave Gutteridge <dave at tokyocomedy.com>

>ls -l /dev/pilot /dev/ttyUSB*
>should come up empty...please confirm
[dave at localhost ~]$ ls -l /dev/pilot /dev/ttyUSB*
ls: /dev/pilot: No such file or directory
ls: /dev/ttyUSB*: No such file or directory

>then again...
>ls -l /dev/pilot /dev/ttyUSB*
>you should see 3 things happening...
And I do:
[dave at localhost ~]$ ls -l /dev/pilot /dev/ttyUSB*
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root      7 Sep  5 20:38 /dev/pilot -> ttyUSB1
crw-rw----  1 dave uucp 188, 0 Sep  5 20:38 /dev/ttyUSB0
crw-rw----  1 dave uucp 188, 1 Sep  5 20:38 /dev/ttyUSB1

>so I would say that if you don't have those devices when you aren't
>syncing and you do have those devices when you push the sync button on
>the cradle or on the palm - if jpilot is set to use /dev/pilot then the
>only issue I can see is the settings... 57600 & auto flow control works
>for me.
I don't see a setting for "auto flow control" in Jpilot. But I do have 
it set to 57600.

>Perhaps you should make sure that you don't have some old processes
>hanging and reboot first.
Sorry, I'm not sure what you mean by this. Processes related to the palm 
