[CentOS] Yum thing

Tue Sep 6 11:50:52 UTC 2005
Henk van Lingen <henkvl at cs.uu.nl>

On Tue, Sep 06, 2005 at 06:38:06AM -0500, Johnny Hughes wrote:
  > hmm .. also put spamasassin in the exclude= line for the repo like this:
  > exclude=spamassassin perl-Mail-SpamAssassin

  Than it wants to do the one from [base]. After also excluding that,
  it's out of options and doesn't want to downgrade anymore. Remains the
  question why? Is yum using versionnumbers from somewhere else than what
  'rpm -qip' shows?


Henk van Lingen, Systems & Network Administrator              (o-      -+
Dept. of Computer Science, Utrecht University.                /\        |
phone: +31-30-2535278                                        v_/_
http://henk.vanlingen.net/             http://www.tuxtown.net/netiquette/