[CentOS] yum --installroot and GPG key

Sat Sep 10 14:52:16 UTC 2005
Johnny Hughes <mailing-lists at hughesjr.com>

On Sat, 2005-09-10 at 16:22 +0200, Morten wrote:
> Hi.
> When I try to use --installroot, I get the following:
> ---
> [root at machine ~]# yum --installroot=/data/xchg-2.0/ install apache2
> You have enabled checking of packages via GPG keys. This is a good thing.
> However, you do not have any GPG public keys installed. You need to download
> the keys for packages you wish to install and install them.
> You can do that by running the command:
>      rpm --import public.gpg.key
> Alternatively you can specify the url to the key you would like to use
> for a repository in the 'gpgkey' option in a repository section and yum
> will install it for you.
> For more information contact your distribution or package provider.
> ---
> Where is the GPG key I need to import? I've tried:
> [root at machine ~]# rpm --import /usr/share/rhn/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora
> [root at machine ~]# rpm --import /usr/share/rhn/RPM-GPG-KEY
> [root at machine ~]# rpm --import /usr/share/doc/centos-release-4/RPM-GPG-KEY
> [root at machine ~]# rpm --import 
> /usr/share/doc/centos-release-4/RPM-GPG-KEY-centos4
> But no such luck... Anyone know where to look?

The problem is that inside your chroot (the installroot) you don't have
a key installed yet.

installroot might not be what you want to do ... it is going to create a

If that is what, you should create a custom yum.conf for the chroot ...
for the initial part of the install, set the repos to gpgcheck=0.

You can then chroot into the location and install the key inside the
chroot, copy your yum.conf into the chroot and change it to gpgcheck=1
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