[CentOS] Re: Why is yum not liked by some? -- new tanget: BS thinks everyone is "out to get him"

Wed Sep 14 17:00:07 UTC 2005
Preston Crawford <me at prestoncrawford.com>

On Wed, 2005-09-14 at 09:54 -0700, Bryan J. Smith wrote:
> Preston Crawford <me at prestoncrawford.com> wrote:
> > I agree. Bryan (if you can cut through the volume and the
> > presentation)
> Sorry, I do hands-on training for people in real-life.  Due
> to the lack of a classroom, sometimes you've gotta just end
> it with, "go use it first-hand, then come back with
> questions."  No amount of explaination will do, which is why
> I often stop responding.
> > is right about a lot of things and has important things to
> > say.
> Don't patronize me.  You have already established the fact
> that I walk into a room and piss almost everyone off, then
> not wonder why.  That is not true, and it's a pure bait.

It was a hypothetical example of how I personally would react if I was
met with a reaction from other people, Bryan. I never said YOU did this.
Come on. You're smarter than that. I'm not patronizing you.

> > Most of the time these little tiffs are white noise to me
> > too. It's just that it flares up into these battles on the
> > list sometimes and it gets ridiculous eventually.
> And that's when *I'm* the "Common Denominator," right?
> Sorry you are oblivous to the others that happen.
> They've happened before I was here.
> They've happened when I wasn't in the thread.
> They will happen after I'm here.
> But keep up the psycho-analyzation.
> And the fact that I want to be a martyr.
