[CentOS] [maybe OT] Why is yum not liked by some? BS is captain Kirk

Wed Sep 14 17:10:52 UTC 2005
Manuel BERTRAND <manuel.bertrand at lif.univ-mrs.fr>

Bryan, you are captain Kirk and you and Preston are driving the CentOS's 
powered Enterprise in unknown thread's levels. Life on board is not 
always easy but all the crew(including me) are gratefull for what you 
're doing here. This list is often too technical for me and that's why 
I'm learning so much from it.
Thanks for sharing the knowledge, and now let's talk about *nix things.

Barry L. Kline wrote:

> Tom wrote:
>> I appreciate your contributions Bryan, there will always be dickheads 
>> who don't understand, but ignore them please, your input is valuable 
>> to me at least, I have learned much from you.
>> regards
>> tom
> I agree with Tom.
> BK
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Manuel BERTRAND - LIF - CNRS UMR 6166 - Tel : 0491829073

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