[CentOS] Safe to use gstreamer repository for RH or Fedora?

Wed Sep 21 13:51:17 UTC 2005
Matt Hyclak <hyclak at math.ohiou.edu>

On Wed, Sep 21, 2005 at 10:41:58PM +0900, Dave Gutteridge enlightened us:
> I'd like to install "Gstreamer" so that I can get MP3 support in
> Rhythmbox. At least, I'm led to believe MP3 support comes with
> installing Gstreamer from Rhythmbox's FAQ.
> But when I get to the Gstreamer download page:
> http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/download/
> ... it says:
> "Do not compile from source yourself unless you are certain you have to
> or want to"
> Okay, fine. So I look for an RPM. But it doesn't have those, it only has
> repositories for Fedora and Red Hat.
> A while back I messed up my system by installing repositories for
> Fedora, so I'm wary of doing that kind of thing again.
> I tried a YUM search for gstreamer to see if it was available on DAG,
> but no luck there.
> Does this mean I fall into the category of compiling myself because I
> have to? The warning on the web site makes it sound like this is
> something for experts to do.

gstreamer is already part of the base CentOS 4 install. 

yum list "*gstreamer*"

It may be that mp3 support was ripped out by upstream to avoid legal issues,
but that may be resolved by a few packages available from dag such as


Matt Hyclak
Department of Mathematics 
Department of Social Work
Ohio University
(740) 593-1263