[CentOS] FWIW...

Wed Sep 21 21:59:36 UTC 2005
Preston Crawford <me at prestoncrawford.com>

On Wed, 21 Sep 2005, Dag Wieers wrote:

> On Wed, 21 Sep 2005, Preston Crawford wrote:
>> On Wed, 2005-09-21 at 06:47 -0700, Dave Laird wrote:
>>> 2. Of course, as nearly always is the case, regardless of which platform
>>> I've been using, I had to manually install the Java runtime and create a
>>> link for it in my Firefox configuration. It's not really a glitch; more
>>> like it is a fact of life.
>> Yeah. There are yum packages (especially if you use dag's repository)
>> for things like Flash and of course mplayer for quicktime. But for Java
>> you do have to symlink the plugin.
> There is a mozilla-j2re package that contains the plugin.
> Kind regards,

I stand corrected. :-)

I never use it. I'm used to doing it manually just out of habit, so I 
never went looking for it.
