[CentOS] Sound device has been blown away

Fri Sep 23 11:52:18 UTC 2005
Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams <ivazquez at ivazquez.net>

On Fri, 2005-09-23 at 13:56 +0900, Dave Gutteridge wrote:
> > 
> > if i remember correctly the way you have the sound set
> > up with firefox that it is CPU hog? correct if i wrong
> > wrong.
> I think you are right. My system seems to have slowed down. As I type
> this right now in Evolution, it's moving slowly. And I'm not even
> playing any sound!
> If I understand correctly, in order to get sound to work in FireFox, I
> transferred some of the sound processing over to the CPU by configuring
> an .asoundrc file.
> That seems to be coming with a price of overall lowered performance, and
> the sound occassionally cutting out.
> Is there a solution to this that doesn't require buying a new computer?

If the on-board soundcard is a true SB Live! then you should give using
it a try as it *does* support hardware mixing.

Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams <ivazquez at ivazquez.net>

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