[CentOS] Recommendation On Ping And Alert Tool

Fri Sep 23 12:02:55 UTC 2005
Oliver Falk <oliver at linux-kernel.at>

On 09/23/2005 01:43 PM, ABOKHALAF, Nassri Abdellatif wrote:
> Just wanted to add one more tool to make this threat complete.
> See Opmanager at
> http://manageengine.adventnet.com/products/opmanager/ 
> The free edition is really nice if you have a small network to monitor.
> Nassri
>>Try the following .. It rocks ..
>>Very powerful tool ..
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: centos-bounces at centos.org 
>>[mailto:centos-bounces at centos.org] On Behalf Of Todd Reed
>>Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2005 12:38 PM
>>To: CentOS mailing list
>>Subject: RE: [CentOS] Recommendation On Ping And Alert Tool
>>Try OpenNMS.  Nagios and Zabbix can also do historical data, 
>>although I'm not sure about SNMP.  I've tried using both and 
>>by dar, I feel that OpenNMS is easier to work with.  The 
>>installation of Tomcat and Java is the hardest item.  I do 
>>know that OpenNMS can do SNMP.  Pretty much, I give OpenNMS 
>>the IP address and it finds the common services.  You may 
>>have to go in and define custom services (I had to since my 
>>Oracle servers have multiple listener ports).  It will try 
>>the default SNMP string, but if you change it, there is a web 
>>form to change it.  You can also enter your asset information 
>>through the web form.
>>You can also create custom reports that can be called on the fly.
>>Check out http://www.opennms.org for the screen shots and 
>>more information.
>>I've been working with it for about 2 weeks and already I'm 
>>able to do more with it than Nagios or Zabbix.  The only 
>>thing I liked about Nagios is the WRML graph, but I mainly 
>>want to see a status grid and that's it.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: centos-bounces at centos.org 
>>[mailto:centos-bounces at centos.org] On Behalf Of Les Mikesell
>>Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2005 2:29 PM
>>To: CentOS mailing list
>>Subject: RE: [CentOS] Recommendation On Ping And Alert Tool
>>On Thu, 2005-09-22 at 14:21, Todd Reed wrote:
>>>I previously used Nagios and because of the painful 
>>configurations, I
>>>OpenNMS.  It does all I need and more, being more easier 
>>than Nagios.  
>>>It uses PostgreSQL and runs on top of Tomcat4.
>>Do any of these alternatives combine the ability to monitor 
>>current status with a grid-like display of many systems and 
>>services with notification alarms and also keep long-term 
>>historical graphs of
>>values?   I'm currently running spong for notifications/status and
>>cacti for history/graphs, but I'd like to find something that 
>>does both with one snmp query.

Give Hobbit a chance: http://hobbitmon.sourceforge.net/. Base on Big 
Brother but with a lot of enhancements...
