[CentOS] A little iptables help

Thu Sep 29 17:28:00 UTC 2005
Steven Vishoot <sir_funzone at yahoo.com>

--- Aleksandar Milivojevic <alex at milivojevic.org>

> Quoting Steven Vishoot <sir_funzone at yahoo.com>:
> > i was wondering where i can information such as
> this,
> > is there a good howto on the web or can someone
> > recommend a good book for this stuff. it would be
> nice
> > to know this stuff since i am trying to get a
> degree
> > in telecommunications which does include some of
> this.
> The manual page for iptables is good read.  The
> Netfilter web site
> (www.netfilter.org) has good documentation.  You
> might want to follow 
> Netfilter
> mailing list.  Visit Linux Advanced Routing and
> Traffic Control page at
> lartc.org for how to use firewall marks for making
> routing decisions (and
> there's tons of other advanced stuff covered there).
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> Messaging Program.
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thanks for all the information, i will take a gander
at these sites.


"On the side of the software box, in the 'System Requirements' section, it said 'Requires Windows or better'. So I installed Linux."