[CentOS] yum install x windows?

Jim Perrin jperrin at gmail.com
Sat Apr 1 17:33:21 UTC 2006

On 4/1/06, Tom Brown <tom.brown at goodtechnology.com> wrote:
> Hi
> On a laptop that currently has 4.3 but no X is it possible to do a yum
> install x windows ? Or similar command to get X and Audio installed?

yum grouplist and yum groupinstall are what you want to use with yum.

yum grouplist tells you the available groups (similar to the groups
available at install)
yum groupinstall installs them. Keep in mind that the shell won't deal
with spaces nicely, so you'll need to quote or escape.

for example ->
yum groupinstall 'X Window System' 'GNOME Desktop Environment' 'Sound
and Video'

This should get you want you want. If you want kde, use grouplist to
figure out the group name, and swap that group for the gnome group

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