[CentOS] CentOS 4.3 occasionally locking up accessing IDE drive

William L. Maltby

BillsCentOS at triad.rr.com
Sun Apr 2 14:37:45 UTC 2006

On Sun, 2006-04-02 at 11:36 +0100, Dave Hatton wrote:
> I've just had a similar problem but with SATA drives.
> I discovered some reports of problems when smartctl scans were issued
> against running drives.
> For me the fix was to turn off SMART monitoring (service smartd stop &&
> chkconfig smartd off).

I put this here just to have your answer and this suggestion in one
place. Has anyone checked the Mfg's (HD, controller, MoBo) web sites to
see if probs reported/solved? Has anyone tried hdparm to "adjust"
tunables to see if it makes a difference? I suspect not, based on what
Dave is saying, but never know?

Also, no reason to believe y'all are the absolute first. Now sounds like
Google might be productive?

> Daveh

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