[CentOS] newbie kernel question

Johnny Hughes

mailing-lists at hughesjr.com
Sun Apr 2 20:57:49 UTC 2006

On Sun, 2006-04-02 at 12:04 -0700, Bogdan Nicolescu wrote:

> What is hard to understand is if I take the same EXACT
> kernel Centos take, which I assume is available, and I
> compile everything Centos compiles in, except I
> compile some hardware in the kernel rather than
> modularize it (as Centos does), how exactly is that
> going to break functionality?  How exactly is removing
> ext2 (if it is included in Centos default compilation)
> from the kernel is going to break Centos if I don't
> ever use ext2?

I told you where to get the kernels and how to compile it in a different
post ...

Look in the SRPMS directory in the os or update trees for the latest
update set, or in http://vault.centos.org/ for older versions.

Every kernel we have released has it's SRPM there.

I also pointed you to the release notes ... search for "kernel source":


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