[CentOS] CentOS FastTrack repository

Thu Apr 6 12:08:27 UTC 2006
Johnny Hughes <mailing-lists at hughesjr.com>

The upstream provider has started a new channel called fastrack.  It is
detailed here (see the whole thread):


CentOS will also build the fastrack SRPMS.  We have created separate
repositories in CentOS-3 and CentOS-4 called fasttrack.  (I know the
spelling is different, that is by design.  We don't want to use the name
of the upstream provider's program.  Same as our use of CSGFS for
Cluster Suite / Global File System, and not the upstream acronyms.)

The purpose of the CentOS-FastTrack repo is to provide Bugfix and
Enhancement updates for people who choose to do these updates BETWEEN
the point releases.

For example, there are currently 7 SRPMS that have been built for the
CentOS-4 fasttrack repo ... they are here:


These changes (or maybe newer ones for those packages) will be rolled
into the CentOS-4.4 when the time comes.

What fasttrack will do is level out the update cycle for those who want
to do bugfix and enhancement updates that way ... the packages are fully
tested and part of the CentOS tree.

If you want to get the latest bugfix and enhancement updates as soon as
they are available, you can use the fasttrack repo.  If you want your
bugfix and enhancements to happen exactly as they do now (at point
release time), don't use the fasttrack repo.  Security updates will
continue to happen as they do now.

To enable the fasttrack repo for CentOS-4, save this .repo file:


to your /etc/yum.repos.d/ directory.


To enable fasttrack for CentOS-3, you will need to add an entry in
your /etc/yum.conf file.  See this Readme for instructions on that


Before anyone asks  ... CentOS-3.7 is in progress; therefore, the
CentOS-3 fasttrack repo is currently not populated.  If will be
populated shortly after CentOS-3.7 is released.


CentOS does not CONTAIN the upstream provider's product and is not
affiliated in any way with the upstream provider or their products.
CentOS is built from publicly available, open source SRPMS.  If you have
any questions ... see these links:



Johnny Hughes
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