[SPAM] Re: [CentOS] dag repo and perl dependencies naming

Tue Apr 25 22:00:30 UTC 2006
Les Mikesell <lesmikesell at gmail.com>

On Tue, 2006-04-25 at 15:51, Johnny Hughes wrote:

> All the good yum stuff I talked about works w/ version 2.4.x ... version
> 2.0.x is not so fully featured.  We are looking into using a yum 2.4.x
> w/centos3 as well, if it is possible (python version issues need to be
> worked out for that).

Please don't break the ability in Centos3 to
'yum --download-only update'  followed by a later 'yum update'
to be able to more accurately schedule the time an update
and possible reboot will be completed.  That feature seems
to have disappeared in the newer versions.

  Les Mikesell
    lesmikesell at gmail.com