[CentOS] Why?

Fri Apr 28 10:57:07 UTC 2006
Robert Spangler <lazydog at zoominternet.net>

On Thu April 27 2006 17:35, Jim Perrin wrote:

>  > yum.repos.d $ cat atrpms.repo
>  > [atrpms] name= ATRPMS RPM Repository for Red Hat Enterprise Linux
>  > baseurl=http://dl.atrpms.net/el$releasever-$basearch/atrpms/stable
>  > gpgcheck=1
>  > enabled=1
>  We don't really need to go much further than this. This repo is known
>  to cause problems, replace system packages without warning, and not
>  provide full dependencies for packages. I consider it a 'USE AT YOUR
>  OWN RISK' repository. I do not recommend it to people except in rare
>  cases, and I never recommend leaving it enabled for just the reason
>  you're running into. Removing this repository may or may not fix the
>  problem.

Thank you this was the root of all my problems.  I removed it from my repo Dir 
and restarted yum and it's now updating.  Is there a 'best practice' FAQ out 
there that will tell you what repo's you should have active or what mirror 
you should add to your repo's that are already active?

Again, thank you.



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