[CentOS] Help I cant find where Java is installed.

Wed Apr 5 12:33:36 UTC 2006
Matt Hyclak <hyclak at math.ohiou.edu>

On Wed, Apr 05, 2006 at 07:30:50AM -0500, Chris Peikert enlightened us:
> I installed Suns Java but I don't know how to find where it installed to.
> Can someone tell me how to find it? Someone told me to do a

How did you install it?

> Find -name java -print

It should be find, not Find.

> But all I got was a message saying I had mail. When I looked in the mail it
> was a log with a bunch of jibberish. Any clue what to do now?

That isn't jibberish. I would suggest you learn how to read it.


Matt Hyclak
Department of Mathematics 
Department of Social Work
Ohio University
(740) 593-1263