--- Nat Gross <nat101l at gmail.com> wrote: > Hi; > On my Fedora Systems [/etc/yum.repos.d] I have the > following repos: > dag.repo > dries.repo > fedora-extras.repo > fedora.repo > fedora-updates.repo > freshrpms.repo > livna.repo > > Two questions: > 1) Where can I get a .repo file (with centos url's > of course) for the > baseic stuff like updates and extras. > 1b) Can I use redhat repos? > > 2) What about the other guys, livna, dag, dries, > freshrpms. > Which one of these is safe to use on a production > server in > conjunction with the repos used in answer to > question 1 above? > 2b Are the url's the same? > > Thank you all. > nat, a centos newbie. You may/may not be aware of potential pitfalls in repository mixing particularly in fedora. If you want the latest and greatest look to fedora. If you want a stable enterprise grade distro for use as a server look to centos. Don't think about migrating/doing a yum upgrade/downgrade from fedora to centOS by yum as you will experience plenty of hassle. Simply get centos 4.3 on isos and install from sratch. You should have a CentOS-Base.repo. To install dag get the rpmforge release. Your /etc/yum.repos.d/ should look as follows. $ ls /etc/yum.repos.d/ CentOS-Base.repo rpmforge.repo mirrors-rpmforge Improve the mailing list by performing a simple search before posting and reading the faq/etiquette. Thank you!! __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com