[CentOS] Thanks

Fri Apr 7 12:55:06 UTC 2006
William L. Maltby <BillsCentOS at triad.rr.com>

On Fri, 2006-04-07 at 07:33 -0500, Chris Peikert wrote:
> Thanks for the help guys. To resize my screen I had to go through the
> GUI part and change it but unlike Microsoft it makes me reboot in
> order for it to take affect which sucks. The Ctrl Alt +/- does not
> work. 

Geez! What am I doing wrong? I've been using this for *years*.

Recall thye aprt I said "... to get multiple resolutions"? Apparently
you don't have multiple resolutions yet.

I have 4 resolutions that I cycle through using <ctrl>-<alt> with
numeric keypad + or -.

If you find your xorg.conf file, see if you have a line similar to this

   Modes     "1600x1200" "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"

If not, you only have a single fixed resolution and the <ctl> thingy has
nothing to do.

> <snip>

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