On Mon, 10 Apr 2006, Mark Sargent wrote: > Johnny Hughes wrote: > > > yum remove postgresql-server-8.1.3-1PGDG postgresql-8.1.3-1PGDG > > postgresql-libs-8.1.3-1PGDG > > > > (the above is one line) > > > > If that has everything remove cleanly ... then try the install with yum. Apparently you have bad packages installed that you cannot easily uninstall because of a broken script (something in the preun or postun script fails and aborts the removal). So the easiest thing to do is: rpm -e --noscripts postgresql postgresql-libs postgresql-server And then reinstall postgresql the normal way. And next time, do not install packages you find somewhere on the net if you don't know what you (or the packages) are doing. Kind regards, -- dag wieers, dag at wieers.com, http://dag.wieers.com/ -- [all I want is a warm bed and a kind word and unlimited power]