[CentOS] Postgrey and Centos 4.2

Mon Apr 10 21:40:06 UTC 2006
Craig White <craigwhite at azapple.com>

On Mon, 2006-04-10 at 13:22 -0400, Francois Meehan wrote:
> Hi,
> We have implemented postgrey (postgrey-1.24, compiled from source package)
> on a centos 4.3 server.
> It works except for the whitelistings, in file postgrey_whitelist_clients,
> no matter what domain we enter, their incoming mails gets greylisted.
> I have posted this question to postgrey list but have not received
> anything yet.
> I works OK on a centos 4.1 server.
> Has anyone experienced similar problems?
I'm using sqlgrey - can be installed from dag repository - using with
mysql and works fine http://sqlgrey.sourceforge.net/

I recognize that this doesn't help you with postgrey but I vaguely
remember checking it out and switching to sqlgrey.
