[CentOS] How to know it's i586?

Wed Apr 12 01:12:29 UTC 2006
Johnny Hughes <mailing-lists at hughesjr.com>

On Wed, 2006-04-12 at 02:31 +0200, Kai Schaetzl wrote:
> Johnny Hughes wrote on Tue, 11 Apr 2006 17:34:45 -0500:
> > AMD K6 is i586, via C3, and normal pentium ... correct.  For those, you 
> > would use i586 to boot. 
> >  
> > For everything else (ie, the vast majority of x86 PCs, just press enter 
> > as usual :)
> Ahm, so I should *not* use the i586 pxeboot kernel on a Pentium III (3)? I 
> saw that it's new in addition to the normal kernel in the pxeboot 
> directory. If the i586 is *only* for i586, then I'm better off to use the 
> normal kernel on a Pentium III and newer? I'm using the pxeboot kernel 
> just to start a remote VNC installation.
> Kai
Correct .. the i586 kernel and initrd are for i586 only (well ... they
will work on i686 too, but the default kernel and initrd are i686 and
therefore better).

On fedora the default install kernel is i586 (as it was on centos-4.0,
4.1, 4.2) ... but in RHEL it is i686 ... so we centos changed to offer
both, and made i686 the default to better mirror what RHEL does.

This solves an issue with dd= drivers that are built for RHEL so they
will work better on CentOS.
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